Features - Dead Lands
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The following are some "features" inspired by our Deadlands: Hell on Earth campaign.

Red Mesa The Ballad of Red Mesa Requires RealPlayer 7. A recording of The Ballad of Red Mesa, as written and performed by John Zielinsky. For the curious, here are the lyrics.

Barney An Ode to Barney Requires RealPlayer 7. This is a link to a recording of An Ode to Barney, as written and performed by John Zielinsky.

Dr. Liebowitz An Ode to Doctor Liebowitz (Lyrics) A badly written ode to Doctor Liebowitz, attributed to a mutant bard by the name of Victor Reynard. (But in the real world, T. Jordan "Greywolf" Peacock takes the blame.)

Gallery Image Deadlands Gallery Cross-Link A cross-link to the "Deadlands" section of the Gallery, with artwork inspired by the Deadlands Role-Playing Game.

Miniatures Gallery Image Deadlands Miniatures Gallery Cross-Link A cross-link to the "Deadlands Miniatures" section of the Gallery, with scans of miniatures painted up, kitbashed and/or converted for our Deadlands: Hell on Earth campaign.

Dead Lands Logo

Dead Lands, Dead Lands: Hell on Earth and Dead Lands: The Weird West and characters and features thereof are trademarks of Pinnacle Games, and their use here does not constitute a challenge of trademark status. This site is by no means official, and should not be considered representative of the quality of the products of Pinnacle Games. With the exception of the "Dead Lands" logo, and except where otherwise noted, all artwork and all articles on this page are (c) by T. Jordan "Greywolf" Peacock, and may not be reproduced without permission.