Greywolf's Warcraft Fan Site

House Rules


A house rule whereby a spellcaster can choose to devote a summoning spell to a single summoned creature.

  • Any spellcaster with a summoning spell such as summon nature's ally or summon monster may choose to devote the casting of that spell to the summoning of a single, specific creature of a type normally summonable by that spell. To do this, the spellcaster must spend a 24-hour period of meditation and ritual attunement, and at the end of this period, cast the designated spell to summon the bonded creature.
  • Thereafter, whenever the spellcaster uses this spell, the same designated creature is summoned. So long as the bond lasts, the spellcaster cannot use that same spell to summon any other creature.
  • The spellcaster can still cast other summon nature's ally or summon monster spells normally - or he can spend additional periods of meditation and attunement to dedicate other spells in his repertoire to a designated creature.
  • The summoned creature is the same one, each time it is summoned, and has memories of previous summonings. It gains an experience share equal to the summoner's experience share, for every encounter in which it participates (at least one round of combat). This does not detract from the experience awarded to the summoner or to any other creature taking part in the encounter. The creature can gain levels according to its type; summoned creatures capable of gaining class levels may do so as well.
  • When the summoned creature is called forth, it appears in full health, regardless of any damage it may have taken previously, so long as it was at least alive when last dismissed. Spell durations may still be in effect - for better or for worse. (E.g., the creature could be summoned, and mark of the wild could be cast upon it just before the summoning spell's duration expires. If the creature is summoned again before mark of the wild expires, it would still gain the benefits of that spell for the remainder of its normal duration.)
  • The summoned creature appears in possession of any gear it had or was carrying when last dismissed. (It cannot take with it any more than a heavy load, however, and other living creatures cannot count as "possessions".)
  • If the summoned creature is slain, its body immediately vanishes, leaving behind any carried or worn gear that it did not already have when first summoned. The summoning bond is broken, though the spellcaster may repeat the 24-hour bonding process to designate a new summoned creature. That new creature will be a normal example of its type, and will not benefit from any of the experience of its predecessor.
  • The summoner may choose to dismiss the summoned creature at any time, releasing it from the bond. He may then be free to repeat the 24-hour bonding process to select a new creature, or to use the spell normally. He may not, however, change his mind and call forth the previously bonded creature again, short of a wish or miracle.

Design Notes: I suppose this house rule stands a chance of getting out of hand, though it's limited by the fact that a spellcaster can only cast a given spell so many times a day. In the "worst case scenario", the summoned creature might keep pace with the summoner, but that would require significant dedication on the summoner's part. The main benefit to the GM is that it can reduce some of the "statistics-shopping" that happens with some summoning spells. (E.g., "I cast 'summon nature's ally!' Now, hand me the Monster Manual so I can choose what to summon.")

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