Jordan Greywolf's Ironclaw Gallery - ICSU04
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Stand-Ups Gallery

This is an assortment of characters, inspired by the Ironclaw Role-Playing Game, drawn with the intent of converting them into paper "stand-ups" for use with the game. For ready-to-use sheets of paper stand-ups for Ironclaw, check out the Ironclaw Downloads Page. Also, check out the Ironclaw Fonts and Paper Accessories sections.

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(Ironclaw Stand-Ups Font Set #4: Personalities)

Below are images from Ironclaw Stand-Ups #4, a font set for making 3-sided paper miniatures. (Or, if you just use one of the front views combined with the back, you can also use these for 2-sided minis, of course!) ICSU #4 has an assortment of NPCs based on the mini-comics from the main rulebook, and from the sample adventure, "The Closing of the City Gates."

Thumbnail: Cat (R) Thumbnail: Cat (L) Thumbnail: Cat (B) Cat Rogue
(a b c)

A feline warrioress from the mini-comic on page 6. Based on an illustration by John Kaufman.

Thumbnail: Lalita (R) Thumbnail: Lalita (L) Thumbnail: Lalita (B) Lalita
(d e f)

Proof positive that just because you're a sorceress doesn't mean that you should wear a scalemail bikini. Lalita, a spellcasting vixen from the mini-comic on page 6. Based on an illustration by John Kaufman.

Thumbnail: Ringtail (R) Thumbnail: Ringtail (L) Thumbnail: Ringtail (B) Ringtail Henchman
(g h i)

The unnamed henchman of uncertain species and ineffective armor from the mini-comic on page 6. Based on an illustration by John Kaufman.

Thumbnail: Boar (R) Thumbnail: Boar (L) Thumbnail: Boar (B) Boar Thug
(j k l)

A boar henchman from the mini-comic on page 78. Based on an illustration by Sara Palmer.

Thumbnail: Prewitt (R) Thumbnail: Prewitt (L) Thumbnail: Prewitt (B) Prewitt na Fogarrach
(m n o)

Prewitt, a highwayman goat in love (and trouble), from the mini-comic on page 78. Based on an illustration by Sara Palmer.

Thumbnail: Rat (R) Thumbnail: Rat (L) Thumbnail: Rat (B) Rat Thug
(p q r)

A rat henchman from the mini-comic on page 78. Based on an illustration by Sara Palmer.

Thumbnail: Voleta (R) Thumbnail: Voleta (L) Thumbnail: Voleta (B) Voleta
(s t u)

Voleta, love interest of Prewitt from the mini-comic on page 78. Based on an illustration by Sara Palmer.

Thumbnail: Wolf (R) Thumbnail: Wolf (L) Thumbnail: Wolf (B) Wolf Thug
(v w x)

A wolf henchman from the mini-comic on page 78. Based on an illustration by Sara Palmer.

Thumbnail: Halsey (R) Thumbnail: Halsey (L) Thumbnail: Halsey (B) Halsey
(y z 0)

Halsey, the timid mouse rogue, from the mini-comic on page 126. Based on an illustration by Tracy Butler.

Thumbnail: Kesin (R) Thumbnail: Kesin (L) Thumbnail: Kesin (B) Kesin
(A B C)

Kesin, a pragmatic ferret rogue, from the mini-comic on page 126. Based on an illustration by Tracy Butler.

Thumbnail: Tiger (R) Thumbnail: Tiger (L) Thumbnail: Tiger (B) Tiger Wizard
(D E F)

A mysterious tiger mage, from the mini-comic on page 126. Based on an illustration by Tracy Butler.

Thumbnail: Concoran (R) Thumbnail: Concoran (L) Thumbnail: Concoran (B) Concoran
(G H I)

Concoran, a Bisclavret lord, from the mini-comic on page 158. Based on an illustration by Nami Jarret.

Thumbnail: Doloreaux (R) Thumbnail: Doloreaux (L) Thumbnail: Doloreaux (B) Doloreaux Lord
(J K L)

A boar lord of House Doloreaux from the mini-comic on page 158. Based on an illustration by Nami Jarret.

Thumbnail: Gervin (R) Thumbnail: Gervin (L) Thumbnail: Gervin (B) Gervin
(M N O)

Gervin, a soldier of House Bisclavret, from the mini-comic on page 158. Based on an illustration by Nami Jarret.

Thumbnail: Fox (R) Thumbnail: Fox (L) Thumbnail: Fox (B) Fox Bodyguard
(P Q R)

A fox henchman from the mini-comic on page 192. Based on an illustration by Jeff Robinson.

Thumbnail: Liurgi (R) Thumbnail: Liurgi (L) Thumbnail: Liurgi (B) Liurgi
(S T U)

Master Liurgi, a fox from the mini-comic on page 192. Based on an illustration by Jeff Robinson.

Thumbnail: Cadman (R) Thumbnail: Cadman (L) Thumbnail: Cadman (B) Cadman
(V W X)

A lupine Atavist from the mini-comic on page 244. Based on an illustration by Jason Holmgren.

Thumbnail: Kolenka (R) Thumbnail: Kolenka (L) Thumbnail: Kolenka (B) Kolenka
(Y Z ))

Kolenka, a bat Green & Purple mage from the mini-comic on page 254. Based on illustrations by Conrad "Lynx" Wong and Jason Holmgren.

Thumbnail: Raccoon (R) Thumbnail: Raccoon (L) Thumbnail: Raccoon (B) Raccoon Scholar
(1 2 3)

An elderly raccoon scholar, from a mini-comic on page 254. Based on an illustration by Conrad "Lynx" Wong.

Thumbnail: Badger (R) Thumbnail: Badger (L) Thumbnail: Badger (B) Badger Woodsman
(4 5 6)

A distrustful badger woodsman, from the mini-comic on page 304. Based on an illustration by Jason Holmgren.

Thumbnail: Bear (R) Thumbnail: Bear (L) Thumbnail: Bear (B) Bear Porter
(7 8 9)

A strong-backed bear porter, from the mini-comic on page 304. Based on an illustration by Jason Holmgren.

Thumbnail: Cougar (R) Thumbnail: Cougar (L) Thumbnail: Cougar (B) Cougar Scholar
(! @ #)

A cougar scholar and explorer, from the mini-comic on page 304. Based on an illustration by Jason Holmgren.

Thumbnail: Wilgefortis (R) Thumbnail: Wilgefortis (L) Thumbnail: Wilgefortis (B) Captain Wilgefortis
($ % ^)

A skunk watch captain from "The Closing of the City Gates," and the "Dramatis Personae" sidebars, page 270. Based on an illustration by Jason Holmgren.

Thumbnail: Pasquale (R) Thumbnail: Pasquale (L) Thumbnail: Pasquale (B) Pasquale
(& * ()

A horse watchman from "The Closing of the City Gates," page 296. Based on an illustration by Phil Morrissey.

Thumbnail: Raimondo (R) Thumbnail: Raimondo (L) Thumbnail: Raimondo (B) Raimondo
(- = ])

A rat watchman from "The Closing of the City Gates," page 296. Based on an illustration by Phil Morrissey.

Thumbnail: Difettoscchio (R) Thumbnail: Difettoscchio (L) Thumbnail: Difettoscchio (B) Difettoscchio
(_ + })

A pistol-wielding rat from "The Closing of the Gates," page 300. Based on an illustration by Phil Morrissey.

Thumbnail: Duespade (R) Thumbnail: Duespade (L) Thumbnail: Duespade (B) Duespade
([ ; ')

A sword-wielding weasel from "The Closing of the City Gates," page 300. Based on an illustration by Phil Morrissey.

Thumbnail: Tassobianco (R) Thumbnail: Tassobianco (L) Thumbnail: Tassobianco (B) Tassobianco
({ : ")

A badger in mystic robes, from "The Closing of the City Gates."

Thumbnail: Squirrel (R) Thumbnail: Squirrel (L) Thumbnail: Squirrel (B) Squirrel Woodsman
(, . /)

A mysterious cowled squirrel with a flail, from the mini-comic on page 304. Based on an illustration by Jason Holmgren.

Thumbnail: Courser (R) Thumbnail: Courser (L) Thumbnail: Courser (B) Courser
(< > ?)

A reptilian riding beast, from the mini-comic on page 6. Based on an illustration by John Kaufman.

Ironclaw Gaming System

Ironclaw is copyright 1999-2002 Sanguine Productions, Limited. Used with permission; all rights reserved. Images on this page are copyright by T. Jordan "Greywolf" Peacock and by the respective owners of any characters depicted. Permission is granted to modify, print off and use these images for personal, non-profit use.