Recipe |
Craft DC |
Crispy Bat Wing |
14 |
Dig Rat Stew |
14 |
Herb Baked Egg |
14 |
Kaldorei Spider Kabobs |
14 |
Lynx Steak |
14 |
Crunchy Serpent |
15 |
Spiced Wolf Meat |
16 |
Beer Basted Boar Ribs |
17 |
Bog Salad |
17 |
Sludge Soup |
17 |
Strider Stew |
17 |
Smoked Bear Meat |
17 |
Beer Basted Boar Ribs:
Heals 2d6 hp and grants a +1 morale bonus to Stamina and Spirit for 4 hours.
Availability: Khaz Modan and other dwarf territories. Craft (cooking) 4 ranks. Ingredients: Ribs of
3 HD boar, Rhapsody Malt (1 sp).
Bog Salad:
Heals 2d6 hp.
Availability: Any swamplands. Craft (cooking) 3 ranks. Ingredients: Plant material from a bog beast or
other plant creature of 3 HD or more.
Crispy Bat Wing:
Heals 1d4 hp and grants a +1 morale bonus to Stamina and Spirit for 4 hours.
Availability: Horde territories. Craft (cooking) 1 rank. Ingredients: Meaty wings of 1 HD bat (or,
more likely, a dire bat), mild spices.
Crunchy Serpent:
Heals 1d6 hp and grants a +1 morale bonus to Spirit and Intellect for 4 hours.
Availability: Common. Craft (cooking) 2 ranks. Ingredients: Meat of 2 HD snake or windserpent.
Dig Rat Stew:
Heals 1d2 hp and grants a +1 morale bonus to Stamina and Spirit for 4 hours.
Availability: Barrens. Craft (cooking) 1 rank. Ingredients: Meat of 1 HD dire rat.
Herb Baked Egg:
Heals 1d4 hp and grants a +1 morale bonus to Stamina and Spirit for 4 hours.
Availability: Common. Craft (cooking) 1 rank. Ingredients: Egg of 1 HD creature, mild spices.
Kaldorei Spider Kabobs:
Heals 1d4 hp and grants a +1 morale bonus to Stamina and Spirit for 4 hours.
Availability: Teldrassil and other night elf territories. Craft (cooking) 1 rank. Ingredients: Legs of a
1 HD monstrous spider or other monstrous vermin.
Lynx Steak:
Heals 1d4 hp and grants a +1 morale bonus to Stamina and Spirit for 4 hours.
Availability: Quel'Thalas, Theramore, and other territories where High Elves or Blood Elves are prominent.
Craft (cooking) 1 rank. Ingredients: Meat of a 1 HD wild cat.
Sludge Soup:
Grants +1 morale bonus to Stamina and Spirit for 4 hours.
Availability: Common. Craft (cooking) 3 ranks. Ingredients: Ichor of a 3 HD ooze.
Smoked Bear Meat:
Heals 2d6 hp.
Availability: Eastern Kingdoms. Craft (cooking) 3 ranks. Ingredients: Meat from a 3 HD bear.
Spiced Wolf Meat:
Heals 1d8 hp and grants a +1 morale bonus to Stamina and Spirit for 4 hours.
Availability: Common. Craft (cooking) 2 ranks. Ingredients: Stringy wolf meat of 2 HD wolf or other canine,
mild spices.
Strider Stew:
Heals 2d6 hp and grants a +1 morale bonus to Stamina and Spirit for 4 hours.
Availability: Kalimdor (Horde and Night Elves). Craft (cooking) 3 ranks. Ingredients: Meat from a 3 HD
tallstrider, 1 lb of shiny apples (5 cp).
Recipe |
Craft DC |
Blood Sausage |
| 19 |
Boiled Clams |
19 |
Coyote Steak |
19 |
Crab Cake |
19 |
Crocolisk Steak |
19 |
Westfall Stew |
19 |
Blackened Basilisk |
20 |
Cooked Crab Claw |
20 |
Goretusk Liver Pie |
21 |
Blackened Basilisk:
Heals 3d6 hp. Spellcasters gain a +1 morale bonus to effective caster level for
purpose of spell effects, and a +1 morale bonus to rolls to overcome spell resistance, for 4 hours. Keeps
well for travel. May be eaten within a week of cooking, and still gain benefits.
Availability: Common. Craft (cooking) 6 ranks. Ingredients: Meat from a 6 HD basilisk.
Blood Sausage:
Heals 2d8 hp and grants a +2 morale bonus to Stamina and Spirit for 4 hours. Keeps
well for travel. May be eaten within a week of cooking, and still gain benefits.
Availability: Loch Modan and other dwarf territories. Craft (cooking) 5 ranks. Ingredients: Meat from 5 HD
bear (or dire bear), intestines of 5 HD boar (or dire boar), ichor of 5 HD monstrous spider.
Boiled Clams:
Heals 2d8 hp and grants a +2 morale bonus to Stamina and Spirit for 4 hours.
Availability: Any coastal areas. Craft (cooking) 5 ranks. Ingredients: Meat from 5 HD giant clam, and 1 lb
of refreshing spring water (5 cp).
Cooked Crab Claw:
Heals 3d6 hp, and regain 2 mana.
Availability: Any coastal areas. Craft (cooking) 6 ranks. Ingredients: Meat from a 6 HD crustacean or other
creature with pincers (e.g., a giant crab or scorpion), mild spices.
Coyote Steak:
Heals 2d8 hp.
Availability: Westfall (Eastern Kingdoms). Craft (cooking) 5 ranks. Ingredients: Meat from a 5 HD coyote (or
other canine).
Crab Cake:
Heals 2d8 hp and grants a +2 morale bonus to Stamina and Spirit for 4 hours.
Availability: Any coastal areas. Craft (cooking) 5 ranks. Ingredients: Meat from a 5 HD crustacean, mild
Crocolisk Steak:
Heals 2d8 hp and grants a +2 morale bonus to Stamina and Spirit for 4 hours.
Availability: Wetlands and other dwarf territories. Craft (cooking) 5 ranks. Ingredients: Meat from a 5 HD
reptile (preferably a crocodile or crocolisk), mild spices.
Goretusk Liver Pie:
Heals 3d6 hp and grants a +2 morale bonus to Stamina and Spirit for 4 hours.
Availability: Westfall (Eastern Kingdoms). Craft (cooking) 7 ranks. Ingredients: Liver of a 7 HD dire
boar, mild spices.
Westfall Stew:
Heals 3d8 hp.
Availability: Westfall (Eastern Kingdoms). Craft (cooking) 7 ranks. Ingredients: Stringy "vulture" meat of
a 5 HD vulture (or other bird), eyes of a murloc or mur'gul (any HD), snout of a 5 HD boar (or dire boar).
Recipe |
Craft DC |
Curiously Tasty Omelet |
22 |
Mystery Stew |
22 |
Gooey Spider Cake |
23 |
Crispy Lizard Tail |
24 |
Crispy Lizard Tail:
Heals 5d6 hp and grants a +3 morale bonus to Stamina and Spirit for 3 hours.
Availability: The Barrens. Craft (cooking) 10 ranks. Ingredients: Meat from a 10 HD thunder lizard or other
magical reptile, hot spices.
Curiously Tasty Omelet:
Heals 3d8 hp and grants a +3 morale bonus to Stamina and Spirit for 3 hours.
Availability: Wetlands and other dwarf territories. Craft (cooking) 8 ranks. Ingredients: Egg from a 8 HD
reptile (such as a megaraptor), hot spices.
Gooey Spider Cake:
Heals 4d6 hp and grants a +3 morale bonus to Stamina and Spirit for 3 hours.
Availability: Common. Craft (cooking) 9 ranks. Ingredients: Gooey legs of 9 HD monstrous spider or other
monstrous vermin, hot spices.
Mystery Stew:
Heals 3d6 hp and grants a +2 morale bonus to Stamina and Spirit for 3 hours.
Availability: Common. Craft (cooking) 8 ranks. Ingredients: "Mystery meat" from any 8 HD creature, skin of
dwarven stout (1 sp).
Recipe |
Craft DC |
Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops |
26 |
Grilled Squid |
26 |
Dragonbreath Chili |
27 |
Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops:
Heals 3d10 hp, and grants a +3 morale bonus to Stamina and Spirit
for 4 hours. This food is designed for travel rations, and can be eaten within a month of cooking and
still gain its benefits.
Availability: Gadgetzan. Craft (cooking) 12 ranks. Ingredients: Meat from a 12 HD chimaera, a dash of
goblin rocket fuel (1 gp), some deep rock salt (1 gp), and hot spices.
Dragonbreath Chili:
Upon eating this, make a Fortitude save vs. DC 20; if you fail, you take 1 hp
of fire damage for each point you miss the DC by. Whether you save or pass, for the next hour you
frequently belch out gouts of flame. In combat, this can be used to your advantage. (In social situations,
it can be disastrous.)
- Once each round, you can belch flame at an enemy within 5 feet. Make a ranged touch attack as a swift
On a hit, you inflict 1d6 fire damage. You cannot use this ability if you are wearing a full helm, face mask,
bandanna or other item that covers your mouth.
- Any attempt to use a skill or cast a spell during this time requires a concentration check vs. DC 16, or
the action is wasted. (Having flame belching out of your mouth at regular intervals is very distracting.)
For circumstances where a concentration check would be needed anyway (such as casting defensively, or
avoiding interruption from attacks), add a +6 circumstance penalty to the DC of any concentration check made.
- Dragonbreath chili keeps relatively well, and may be eaten within 24 hours of cooking to gain its benefits.
Availability: Rare. Craft (cooking) 13 ranks. Ingredients: "Mystery meat" from any creature of 13 HD or more,
flame sac from any fire-breathing creature of 13 HD or more (which could be the same creature), and hot spices.
Grilled Squid:
Heals 3d10 hp, and grants a +4 morale bonus to Agility for 4 hours.
Availability: Steamwheedle Port or other goblin coastal areas. Craft (cooking) 12 ranks. Ingredients:
Meat from a giant squid or octopus of 12 HD or more, and soothing spices.