Greywolf's Warcraft Fan Site

House Rules

The following are assorted house rules for my World of Warcraft RPG campaign. By "house rules", I mean, "I made them up, or borrowed them from someone else who did." In other words, they're not official. Employ them only at your own risk - every house rule has consequences, and they may or may not fit your campaign.

Cooking:     New feats and rules for cooking foods that grant healing and "buffs".
Linked Perception Skills:     Spot, listen and search are linked together to share the same skill rank allocation.
Summoning:     Alternate rules for the ability to summon "favored" creatures with spells.

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All other artwork on this site, not otherwise a property of Blizzard Entertainment or Wizards of the Coast, unless specified otherwise, is copyright © T. Jordan Peacock (aka "Jordan Greywolf").