Familiars (New Henchman Type)
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Jester The Winds of Magic blow across the Warhammer World, occasionally forming pools and eddies of potent magic that cause strange events to occur and even magical beings to come into existence: imps, sprites, faeries, pookas and similar mythical beings thought of by ordinary folk only with a shudder. To powerful Wizards, however, they may be useful aides in their quest for knowledge, and such creatures that come to serve a Wizard are known as Familiars.

Familiars may take all manner of bizarre forms, some taking on more recognizeable forms of imps, faeries and the like, or they may even look like small animals. Some look positively unnatural, such as an open book with legs, a talking skull, a winged lantern, or any number of things.

Wizards acquire these creatures in various ways, perhaps by encountering and befriending them on their travels through the wilderness or exploring ancient catacombs. Others actually create their own familiars through strange alchemical processes or summon them from other planes of existence. Chaos Sorcerers may be granted a familiar in the likeness of their dark gods, whereas Skaven sorcerers often have familiars that look like nothing so much as oversized rats.

A Wizard may obtain a Familiar in one of three ways. First, he may encounter one during the course of adventuring, and choose to keep it as his Familiar. Second, he may conjure or actually create one. Third, he may encounter one between adventures, when he has earned sufficient Fate Points to attract one.

Second, he may conjure or actually create one between adventures by spending 500 GCs in material components. This may only be done if the Wizard has earned at least one Fate Point through adventuring.

Third, if a Wizard does not have a Familiar already, when he earns two Fate Points through adventuring, he may encounter a potential Familiar, which he may elect to take on as an assistant. If he does not wish to do so, he will not encounter another Familiar in this manner until he has earned another two Fate Points through adventuring, and so forth.

A Familiar is treated as a Henchman under the command of the Wizard. A Wizard benefits from a Familiar's powers only so long as the Familiar remains in base contact with the Wizard. During the Wizard player's turn, if the Wizard starts in base contact with the Familiar, and the Wizard moves, the player may immediately move the Familiar to stay in base contact, before resolving any other actions the Wizard might make this turn.

Unless specified otherwise, Familiars may not wear armor or use shields. They may only use weapons that would normally be usable one-handed (such as daggers and swords). Despite their small size, they can actually carry as much as a normal Henchman or Hero can (up to 250 GCs).

A Wizard may have no more than one Familiar at a time. Familiars do not require upkeep expenses. Familiars form a special bond with their Wizards, and the death of a Familiar (unless it is somehow resurrected) means that the Wizard permanently loses 1 Fate Point.

Familiars do not start with Fate Points, but a Wizard may expend Fate Points on behalf of his Familiar.

A Wizard that has earned at least one Fate Point through adventuring may choose to either create or conjure a Familiar through magical means. Doing so costs 500 GCs in material components. The Wizard is free to choose the type of Familiar. If it is a Spell Familiar, the exact spell known is still randomly determined. (Such are the capricious ways of magic.)

Alternatively, a Wizard may encounter a Familiar in the same way as a special Henchman. When the Wizard earns two Fate Points through adventuring, he has the opportunity to acquire a Familiar as an assistant. The type of the Familiar should be randomly determined, and if it is a Spell Familiar, its College should be determined as well, on the charts at the bottom of this article.

Despite the great variation in appearance of Familiars, they come in one of three types: Warrior, Spell or Power Familiars.

A Warrior Familiar might resemble a tiny armored man, or something far more bizarre, such as a disembodied claw or an enormous mouth on legs, but in any case is typically menacing in appearance if not in stature. They are surprisingly tough and dangerous despite their small size, due to the magical energies that power them.

Warrior Familiars fight to defend their masters. If an enemy model attacks the Wizard in hand-to-hand combat while the Warrior Familiar is in base contact with the Wizard, the Familiar may leap to interpose himself in the way, swapping places with the Wizard. The attack is delivered against the Familiar instead. If the attacker fumbles, the Familiar will be the one to deliver any counter-attacks.

A Spell Familiar is the most intelligent variety, actually capable of learning the ways of magic; select a Color College that the Spell Familiar is aligned with (which may not be the same one as the Wizard), and randomly pick one spell from that spell book, which the Spell Familiar actually understands, though it is incapable of working powerful magic on its own. Rather, it is capable of working through the Wizard.

So long as the Wizard is in base contact with the Familiar, it can cast any spell that the Spell Familiar knows (so long as appropriate spell components are available). The Familiar can be trained to learn new spells in the same way as a Wizard, but at double the normal training expense, and it is limited in how many spells it may learn -- no more than one spell for every two spells its Wizard knows how to cast.

Power Familiars are creatures that serve as natural collectors of the energy of the Winds of Magic, and Wizards can exploit this fact to power their own spells. Once per expedition, if the Familiar is in base contact with the Wizard, the Wizard may cast one of his spells without having to expend a spell component, by drawing upon the Familiar's energy. (If the spell normally requires two components, then the Familiar only supplies enough energy to replace one of those components, of the Wizard's choice.)

As the Wizard becomes more powerful, so does the Familiar. Each time the Wizard earns 2 Fate Points through adventuring, once the Familiar has entered his service, the Familiar becomes more powerful, able to store an additional "charge" of magical energy per expedition, up to a maximum of four. Each of these "chargess" may be expended in lieu of a spell component, as described above.

Choose one of the following special features for the Familiar, dependent upon its form:

  • Winged: The Familiar is a Flying Creature.
  • Mite: The Familiar can wear miniature armor, which costs the same as normal armor.
  • Portable: The Familiar is small enough to be stuffed in a pocket or hat. While "put away", it confers no benefits to the Wizard, but is kept out of harm's way.
  • Weapons: The Familiar has Fangs and Claws.


    Type of Familiar (on 1d12)
    Roll Type
    1-4 Warrior
    5-8 Spell
    9-12 Power
    College of Spell Familiar (on 1d12)
    Roll College Roll College
    1 Light 7 Bright
    2 Gold 8 Amber
    3 Jade 9 High
    4 Celestial 10 Ice
    5 Grey 11 choose one
    6 Amethyst 12 choose one

    Warrior Familiar
    WS BS S T Sp Br Int W PV
    7 - 7 7 10 12 4 3 1
    WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Dam
    Hit 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 5
    Sword (fumble 1, crit 12)
    Spell Familiar
    WS BS S T Sp Br Int W PV
    3 3 3 3 8 5 10 2 1
    WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Dam
    Hit 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1
    Fists (no fumble, no crit)
    Power Familiar
    WS BS S T Sp Br Int W PV
    3 3 4 5 8 5 7 2 1
    WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Dam
    Hit 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1
    Fists (no fumble, no crit)

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